This is a continuation of
'Clipping Circuits'. In a simple clipper circuit either +ve or -ve half cycle of sine wave can be altered at a time. Using a combination clipper circuit, both half cycles can be shaped using a single circuit.
fig a |
Circuit in
fig a is a combination of fig 2 and fig 5 in
'Clipping circuits'. Its easy to understand the output waveform by considering +ve half cycle of fig 2 output and -ve half cycle of fig 5 output.
fig b |
Circuit in
fig b is a combination of fig 2 and fig 6. Here also the output can be easily find out by combining output of fig 2 and fig 6. (In fig 6, bottom side of +ve half cycle of sine wave is removed. In fig 2, topside of +ve half cycle of sine wave is removed. Apply some logic and combine two - in a +ve half cycle of sine wave top and bottom side are removed - that is given in above fig b.Please forget about the -ve side of sine wave - there is no alternation for -ve side in fig 2 and nothing is there in the -ve side of fig 6.)
fig c |
Circuit in fig c is obtained from fig 3 and fig 5. By removing both sides of -ve half cycle of sine wave, output of fig c is obtained.