Monday, 29 September 2014

Stability in Collector-to-Base bias

This is one of the circuit which is used to provide biasing for BJT. Voltage divider bias and fixed bias are other biasing circuits. In collector-to-base circuit, resistor RB connects collector terminal of BJT to base terminal, the specialty of the circuit .. This resistor provides a negative feedback and it helps to reduce variations in the operating point. 

Circuit diagram:

fig 1

RB stabilizes Ic against changes either due to variations in temperature or due to replacement of transistor by another one. How it happens?
Let us assume Ic is increasing. 
                                                 What about VCE ?. It will decrease (Increase in Ic increases voltage drop across Rc. Since  Vcc =Voltage across Rc +Voltage VCE ,  any increase in voltage drop across Rc will reduce VCE ).
                                                       What about IB ?. It also will reduce with  VCE . (Equation for VCE   is VCE  = IBRB+ VBE      . As per equation IB and VCE   are in direct proportion.)

                                                       Reduction in IB will in turn reduce Ic. Thus the increment in Ic get cancelled and the circuit obtain stabilization. Note that stabilization is obtained because of the reduction in IB and it would not happen if RB is not there. So credit for this negative feedback goes to RB.

Stability factor for collector-to-base bias.

Take general equation for stability factor. It is given in the post 'Stability factors & Biasing circuits'.    S = \frac{{1 + \beta }}{{1 - \beta \frac{{d{I_B}}}{{d{I_c}}}}}     --------(1)

In the above equation only variable is dIB /dIc. Let us find an equation for it from the above circuit.

From the circuit, Vcc = (Ic + {I_B})Rc + {I_B}{R_B} + {V_{BE}}

Therefore,     {I_B} = \frac{{Vcc - {V_{BE}} - IcRc}}{{{R_B} + Rc}}   differentiate with respect to Ic.(Vcc and VBE are constants)

                   \frac{{d{I_B}}}{{dIc}} = \frac{{ - Rc}}{{{R_B} + Rc}}   substitute this in equation for stability factor S.

               S = \frac{{1 + \beta }}{{1 + \beta \frac{{Rc}}{{{R_B} + Rc}}}}  ---(2)   This is the equation for stability factor for collector-to-base bias.

Please refer the equation for stability factor in case of fixed bias. It is  S = 1 + \beta . ------(3)
Compared to fixed bias, stability factor of collector-to-base bias is less. This ensures better stability for collector-to-base bias.

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