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Stability factors & Biasing circuits:
An idea about biasing and stabilization will help in the study of Stability factors -plz check the following paragraph.
Things to be ensured before wiring an amplifier:
Before setting up an amplifier circuit, operating point should be fixed at an appropriate position on the load line - preferably at the center of the load line. This can be done with the help of a biasing circuit. It is also to be ensured that the operating point does not shift due to changes in temperature or due to variations in transistor parameters(see explanation below) - in other words operating point should be stable.
## We have, Ic = β IB
+ (1+β)Ico . Since Ico and β are vary with temperature, Ic also varies with temperature - it will change operating point. Variations in transistor parameters such as β and VBE (These variations occurs when one transistor in a circuit is replaced with another of the same type) also will affect position of the operating point. ##
Next we discuss about Stability factor.
Stability factor (S) is defined as the rate of change of collector current(Ic) with respect to the reverse saturation current(Ico), keeping β and VBE constant.
What is desirable for S - a large value or a small value? Smaller S indicates higher stability. ( S high means variations in Ic is large with change in Ico - it will vary operating point).
Now we are going to derive an equation for S. For that lets take this equation below,
From this, write equation for Stability factor, S